Page 7 - Business Build catalogue June 2024
P. 7


                   Recycled                             Global Organic

          Claimed Standard                             Textile Standard

                       (RCS)                                    (GOTS)

          The  Recycled  Claim  Standard  (RCS)  is  an  international,   The  Global  Organic  Textile  Standard  (GOTS)  was
          voluntary  standard  that  sets  requirements  for  third-party   developed  by  leading  standard  setters  to  define  world-
          certification  of  Recycled  input  and  chain  of  custody.  The   wide recognised requirements for organic textiles. From
          goal of the RCS is to increase the use of Recycled materials   the harvesting of the raw materials, environmentally and
          and uses the chain of custody requirements of the Content   socially  responsible  manufacturing  to  labelling,  textiles
          Claim  Standard  (CCS).  Look  out  for  this  icon  throughout   certified  to  GOTS  provide  a  credible  assurance  to  the
          this catalogue:                              consumer. Look out for this icon throughout this catalogue:

                                            Gi‰s that Give Back

                                            Promoting  environmental  and  humanitarian  change  for  the  better,
                                            the Bilby and Sambourne Sports Bottles (page 152) and the Refresh
                                            Recycled Ball Pen (page 23) have much to o’er. Branded the ‘promos
                                            that give back’, these items give a percentage of every bottle or pen sold
                                            goes straight to HUGS (reg. 1098176) to help in di’erent ways.

                                            The Bilby and Sambourne Bottles help to provide safe water sources for
                                            thousands of impoverished children and their families at direct risk of
                                            waterborne illness in Uganda. For every bottle sold, a donation of 20p
                                            is given directly to fund the provision of sanitation, latrines and water
                                            catchment facilities so that children don’t have to walk long distances.

                                            The  Refresh  Pen  directly  supports  the  supply  of  essential  stationary
                                            to schools in Uganda, with 5p from every pen sold donated, ensuring
                                            children have the tools they need for a better education and a brighter

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