Page 8 - Print Approved Sustainable British Manufacture
P. 8

Plastics Free Packaging

                THE PROBLEM                       THE CHALLENGE                       THE SOLUTION

            Using millions of poly bags        To develop a bespoke               Our exclusive range of
            and vast amounts of plastic        packaging system using only        recycled card and paper
            packaging every year in the        materials that are plastic         based packaging. Plastic
            badge industry simply to           free and easily recyclable by      free badge carriers, plastic
            protect badges in transit          anyone                             free packing materials, even
            WKHQ DOO HQGLQJ XS LQ ODQGĆOO                                         plastic free tape

                                                                                         PLASTICS FREE

                                                                                         PAC K AGIN G

                                                                                       We’ve eliminated

                                                                                         an estimated
                                                                                       1.5 MILLION
                                                                                       POLY BAGS

                                                                                            per year
                                                                                          IURP ODQGĆOO

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