Page 216 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 216
FerryHarbour Queen

to Garnish Island

Visit the wonderful Gardens of Ilnacullin on
Garnish (Garinish) Island aboard one of our
fully licensed ferries. The Harbour Queen
Ferries provides a regular service to the island.
Ferries depart from Glengarriff Pier every 30
minutes during the season (April 1 – October
31). Our fleet of ferries are purpose built
enclosed waterbuses which will whisk you to
the island in safety and comfort.

Garnish Island (Ilnacullin, Garnish Island) is a
beautiful island garden located in the sheltered
harbour of Glengarriff in Bantry Bay, in Southwest
Ireland, Ilnacullin (Garnish) is a small island of 15
hectares (37 acres) known to horticulturists and
lovers of trees and shrubs all around the world as
an island garden of great beauty.

The gardens of Ilnacullin owe their existence to
the creative partnership, some seventy years ago,
of Annan Bryce, then owner of the island and
Harold Peto, architect and garden designer. The
island was bequeathed to the Irish people in 1953,
and was subsequently entrusted to the care of the
Commissioners of Public Works.

Garnish Island and its surrounding waters play
host to a wide variety of marine life. The cruise to
Garnish will include a visit to Seal Island, a colony
of wild harbour seals. From early in March the seals
can be seen dancing through the waters of the
sheltered bay, safer than the open sea. Basking amid
the summer sunshine, perched precariously atop
nature’s rockiest outcrop, these creatures command
a presence of their own. This is the ideal location for
the amateur and indeed professional photographer
to capture these mammals in their natural glory.

The sheltered waters of Glengarriff are also home
to a variety of wild birds including swans, herons,
shags, sea gulls and waders.

The Harbour Queen Ferry Service has commissioned
a fleet of custom built ferries to take you to Garnish
Island in safety and comfort. All our ferries are
licensed by the Irish Department of Transport and
have lifejackets for all passengers.
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