Page 23 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 23
Programme of Events
& Timetables



9.00am • Trade Machinery, Livestock and General Exhibition Opens

9:30am to 4:30pm • Sheep Shearing: Block 4 Row 4 Stand 14

10.30am • National Ploughing Competitions until 2.30pm Throughout the Day
• Kverneland Reversible Test Match (Day 2) Vintage Exhibition
• Junior Conventional Plough Class Husqvarna Hurdle
• Standard 3 Furrow Reversible Plough Class Live Robotic Milking
• Under 21 Conventional Plough Class Senior Hunt Chase
• Vintage Single Furrow Mounted Plough Class Sheep Dog Trials
• Special Horse Plough Class
• Visitors 2 Furrow Conventional Plough Class ( Day 2)
• Loy Digging

11.00pm • Innovation Arena: Block 1 Row 23 Stand 395 Commissioner Phil Hogan
is presenting an award to the Winner of the International Travel Bursary

11.30pm • Fashion Show: Block 1 Row 29 Stand 540

1.30pm • Aldi Stand: Block 1 Row 32 Stand 631 National Brown Bread Baking
Competition Final

1.30pm • Fashion Show: Block 1 Row 29 Stand 540

3.30pm • Fashion Show: Block 1 Row 29 Stand 540

6.00pm • Ploughing Competition results announced from Bandstand

6.30pm • Exhibition closes

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