Page 238 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 238
Providing alpacas and alpaca support ALL OVER IRELAND, Mourne
and Louth Alpacas have a large herd of elite quality alpacas, in all of
the recognised colours including spectacular greys and blacks, with
breeding females, elite studs, and pets, all handled and family friendly.

• Animals for sale, including elite breeding females, pet alpacas and flock guards, and
access to several superb quality studs.

• All-Ireland distributors for GWF Camelibra quality feeds.
• Full after sales advice and support, including on-farm parasitology testing and

spinning/supply of alpaca plasma.
• Herd owner is a breeder member of British Alpaca Society, Alpaca Association of

Ireland, and the founder of Northern Ireland Alpaca Group

MOURNE AND LOUTH ALPACAS - providing alpacas and professional alpaca support ALL OVER IRELAND
Web:, Contact: Michelle Dunniece, Email:

SOUTH: 0044 7918 719595 NORTH: 07918 719595

Mourne & Louth Alpacas-Half Page Landscape-17-08-15.indd 1 04/09/2015 12:08:12

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