Page 31 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 31

1931 – 2012

THE DEVELOPMENT OF PLOUGHING very big business as keen competition among the
nation’s top ploughmen.
After the first Championships, there was much debate
about the type of ploughing which should be deemed Within a few years of its foundation it had become
standard or best. Finally, a so called “National Style” one of the major national annual events in Ireland
was adopted. This, when properly done gives a well attracting publicity, manufacturers, traders, and senior
skimmed sod, turned well over, with a round back, politicians notably Eamonn De Valera, which created
giving a firm bed and suitable for modern tillage another dimension of glamour for the rapidly growing
implements. Only 3 poles were allowed at the making largest field event in the world. The crowds followed
of the middle and the time limit for ploughing a rood and grew as ideas and progress cross-pollinated. The
(plot) was five hours. championships attracted the best minds, the best men
and the most industrious progressives within farming
The First National Ploughing Contest was held in Ireland right from the very beginning. Ballads were
Mr. W.K. Hosie's field, Coursetown, Athy. composed about the ploughmen and the contests and
were sung throughout the land.
The second championships held in Gorey Co Wexford
on 19th February 1932 were a resounding success and During World War Two the NP Championships
attracted an attendance of 3,000 and was printed in continued in Ireland without break throughout the
the daily papers. war years. There were adjustments to meet the
difficulties. For example, between 1939 and 1946 the
Throughout the years, the NPA had witnessed at senior ploughing championships were held at one
first-hand, extraordinary change in farming and all its venue and the junior championships at another.
technology. In the earliest days of NPA, Ireland’s total
exports, largely the products of our farms, were worth Club and County Ploughing Associations started to
£35.5 million. They were to slump to £17.5 in 1934 as spring up around the country and as interest
the Great Depression advanced. That was hardly the increased, more competitions were introduced to meet
time for progress in farm mechanisation, but it was the various levels of competitors. Increasing numbers
nonetheless the time of change from the traditional of people were getting involved in the association
horse to the emergent tractor. Ford were predominant through ploughing, judging, stewarding and
as the market leader of the day. A decade later came co-ordinating the event. All of which was and still is
Ferguson. voluntary. The National Ploughing had grown rapidly
in the space of one year, two ballads were composed
The National Ploughing event provides a major about the ploughing and the contests and were sung
marketplace for all inputs of farming and is favoured or recited with cheers and gusto throughout the land.
by many manufacturers because it offers scope to One was written about one of the great personalities
show products in a natural setting and even under of the Championships who won the National Title in
working conditions on the demonstration plots. At a
national level the annual Championships constitute 1932 and was a
ploughman for over
two decades
Michael Redmond,
The Ballagh, Oulart,
Co. Wexford.

A look behind the scenes reveals
how the important decisions are
made at a general meeting of the
National Ploughing Council.

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