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We’ve Got You Covered

                           It’s  hard  to  concentrate  on  the  road  discs, usually fail at the most inopportune
                           ahead  of  you  when  you’re  worrying  time, when it’s time to deliver a payload.
                           about  what  pressure  relief  device  you  This often means a driver must perform
                           have  behind  you.  For  years,  Girard  either a dangerous field repair or must
                           Equipment  has  revolutionized  the  way  face rejection from the facility altogether.

                           corrosives are hauled in acid transports.  These are two options that wouldn’t sit
                           Our patented Pressure Relief Vent, with  well with any carrier. If you’re planning
                           an integral Teflon  liner, protects         to  purchase  a  new  trailer  or
                           the relief vent’s vital components          updating  an  existing  one,  insist
                           from  chemical  attack.  Single             on  Girard  products  because
                                                            EQUIPMENT USA
                           function  vents,  such  as  rupture         “We’ve Got you Covered.”

                                           Teflon® is a Registered Trademark of Dupont.
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