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YOUR SECURITY                                                                   Login to your Hartford account at
            The Hartford
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                                                                                            App Store or Google Play

                                              Life insurance is an important part of your financial well-being,

                                              especially when your loved ones depend on you for support.

            800.523.2233  |

                                              What is the value of my policy?

                                              Gray provides basic life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment
                                              (AD&D) to all eligible team members at no cost in the amount of one times

                                              your annual salary, up to a maximum of $50,000.

                                              AD&D pays a benefit to you or your beneficiary in the event of certain

                                              accidental injuries or loss of life due to an accident.

            Why is life insurance important?

                   It protects your family   It pays off debts and other   It can cover final expenses.   It offers peace of mind.
                   and loved ones by     expenses. Beyond the   The cost of a funeral/burial   While no amount of
                   replacing your income   cost of everyday living,   can easily add up to tens   money could ever replace
                   in the unfortunate event   your family needs to   of thousands of dollars.   a person, life insurance
                   of your passing.      cover outstanding debts   Life insurance can help   provides protection for
                                         like the mortgage, credit   reduce this unfortunate   life’s uncertainties.
                                         cards and car loans.
                                                                financial burden.

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