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YOUR HEAL TH                                                                  Login to your HealthEquity account at
            Health Savings Account (HSA)
                                                                                          Download Mobile Health in the
                                                                                          App Store or Google Play

                                                          A Health Savings Account (HSA) works in combination with
                                                          a high deductible health plan, allowing you to contribute
                                                          funds on a pre-tax or tax-deductible basis, which you may
                                                          use to pay for eligible medical expenses. HSAs are also an
                                                          important financial benefit, and can help strengthen your
            866.346.5800  |             financial security.

            What expenses are eligible?                   What are the advantages?

            An eligible medical expense is an expense that   • An HSA provides you triple tax savings. Tax deductions when
            pays for healthcare services, equipment or      you contribute to your account; tax-free earnings through
            medications as described in IRS Publication     investment; and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical
            502.* In general, your HSA can be used for:     expenses.
            • Expenses applied to your health plan deductible
                                                          • You own your account. Even if your HSA-compatible
            • Dental care services                          coverage ends, you can still use your HSA funds tax-free for
            • Vision care services                          eligible medical expenses.

            • Prescription drugs and medicines            • Funds roll over annually. There is no “use it or lose it”
            • Certain medical expenses                      philosophy. If you don’t use your HSA funds, save them for
                                                            next year!
            *A list of Qualified Medical Expenses can be found in IRS Publication 502 at
                                                          • There are long-term investment opportunities. You can invest
            Am I eligible for a Health Savings              your HSA dollars through HealthEquity’s investment partners
                                                            who offer stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Learn more at

            To be eligible and qualify for an HSA, you
            must meet the following requirements:
            • You are enrolled in a HDHP.
                                                             What are the account limits?
            • You are not covered by another health plan.
            • You are not enrolled in Medicare.              2022 HSA Account Limits
            • You do not receive health benefits under       • Individual - $3,650
              TRICARE.                                       • Family - $7,300
                                                             • Catch-up (55 or older) - $1,000
            • You have not received Veterans Administration
              (VA) benefits within the past three months.
            • You cannot be claimed as a dependent on
              another person’s tax return.
            • You are not covered by a general purpose
              healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or
            • Health Reimbursement Account (HRA).

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