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YOUR SECURITY                                                             Login to your Hartford account at
                                                                             to view
            Disability Plans                                                          Long-Term Disability policy information

                                                                                      Download The Hartford in the App Store or
                                                                                      Google Play to view Long-Term Disability
                                                                                      policy information
                                                                                      For information on your Short-Term
                                                                                      Disability policy contact CA State Disability



            The financial consequences of not being able to work due to a disabling accident or illness can be
            devastating. Gray recognizes this risk and is pleased to provide team members with comprehensive

            disability benefits at no cost to you.

            What is California State Disability                     What is Long-Term Disability (LTD)?
            Insurance (SDI)?
                                                                    Long-term disability is an insurance benefit that
            The SDI program provides short-term disability          provides some compensation for non-job-related
            insurance and paid family leave (PFL) wage              injuries or illnesses that render you unable to work
            replacement benefits to eligible workers who need       for a limited time period.
            time off work. You may be eligible for SDI if you are
            unable to work due to non-work related illlness or      What coverage does Gray provide?
            injury, pregnancy or childbirth. You may be eligible
            for PFL to care for a seriously ill family member or to   Gray provides team members with long-term
            bond with a new child.                                  disability coverage through The Hartford, at no cost
                                                                    to you. LTD begins after 90 days and lasts until

            For additional information, click here or contact       normal social security retirement age, if medically
            Gray’s Benefits team.                                   necessary. LTD covers 60% of base earnings, up to
                                                                    a maximum of $6,000 per month.

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