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YOUR HEAL TH                                                                      Login to your Anthem
                                                                                              account at
            Anthem Health Insurance
                                                                                              Download Mobile Health in the
                                                                                              App Store or Google Play

            888.650.4047  |

            We’re pleased to offer two medical plan options administered through Anthem, a provider of
            exceptional healthcare services. Both plans cover preventative care at 100%. The deductibles for
            both plans are embedded, meaning only the individual deductible must be met by one person for
            Anthem to begin paying coinsurance for that person.

            The out-of-pocket-maximums work the same way. Deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums are
            calculated on a plan year basis, January 1 - December 31. Once enrolled, you can visit
            to access claims payments, physician directories, ID cards and inquire about eligibility. Dependent
            coverage can be obtained until the end of the month in which a child turns 26.

              CALENDAR YEAR BENEFITS                    HIGH DEDUCTIBLE       PPO 2250 PLAN

              Deductible (Single/Family)                $3,000/$6,000         $2,250/ $6,750

              Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Single/Family)     $3,000/$6,000         $4,500/$9,000

              Physician/Specialist Office Services Copay  0%/0%               $20/$40

              Inpatient Facility Coinsurance            0%                    20%

              Outpatient Surgery Facility Coinsurance   0%                    20%

              Emergency Room Services Copay/Coinsurance  $0/$0                $75/0%

              Urgent Care Services Copay/Coinsurance    $0/$0                 $40/0%

              Lifetime Maximum                          Unlimited             Unlimited

              RX TIER                                    All TIERS         TIER 1    TIER 2    TIER 3   TIER 4

              Rx - Retail Pharmacy                       0%                $10       $30       $60      25%

              Rx - Mail Order Pharmacy                   0%                $20       $60       $120     25%

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