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Universal Life Insurance with Accelerated Death Benefit
Universal life insurance is permanent life insurance with an investment savings element. Much like a savings account, a
universal life policy accumulates cash value that grows tax-deferred until funds are withdrawn.
The universal life policy includes an accelerated death benefit for chronic condition rider. This means benefits can be
paid as death benefits or living benefits, or a combination of both. This policy is flexible to meet your needs and budget.
Rates are based on the team member’s age at time of enrollment and will not increase with age!
How is Chronic Condition defined?
The inability, expected to be permanent, to perform, without substantial human assistance, at least two activities of
daily living for a period of at least 90 days or severe cognitive impairment that is expected to be permanent and that
requires substantial supervision to protect the insured from threats to his or her health or safety.
What does a Chronic Condition rider do?
• Help cover unexpected costs, helping to reduce the physical, emotional, and financial burden associated with a
debilitating condition.
• Access 4% of the policy value each month for up to 50 months.
• Receive up to twice the policy’s face value amount, plus 25% as a paid-up policy.
• No restrictions on how you use the money.
Fast Facts
Universal life insurance Gray offers this benefit To view universal life insurance
benefits can be paid as death through Transamerica. rates, please login to the
benefits or living benefits, or a BenSelect portal.
combination of both.
Gray Benefits 30