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TIME OFF Quick Contact Details:
Gray’s Benefits team in the
Human Resources department
Sick Pay
Gray provides sick time for full and part-time team members (Classification 1-3) on January 1st of each year based
on full or part-time status.
Sick time may be used for personal illness, accident, doctor appointments or Family Medical Leave. Sick pay for
all groups is issued on a calendar basis and is not carried over to the following year or paid out upon termination of
Team members must use sick hours for a Family Medical Leave or other unpaid leaves relating to the team member’s
own illness or an immediate family member’s illness.
For part-time team members, sick pay hours will be prorated accordingly based on hours worked. If employment
status changes from full to part-time at any point during the calendar year, the remaining hours will be prorated for
the remainder of the year. Medical certification may be required for sick time equal to or exceeding three (3) days and
for sick time utilized the day before or after a holiday. Sick time is not included when calculating overtime.
Full time office and field professional team members:
New hire - hire date 1/1 - 6/30 40 5
New hire - hire date 7/1 - 9/30 16 2
1st year and each year thereafter 40 5