Page 20 - Graypvine August 2021
P. 20
20 Team Keurig works
with unique long-term
Keurig in Spartanburg, South Carolina
The Keurig project in Spartanburg, South "This is a world-class facility with a
Carolina has been underway for more than two very automated system that brings
years, an unusual schedule for a Gray project. coffee directly from the coffee
Keurig Dr Pepper produces beverage brewing processing area on conveyors, and
systems for home and commercial use, and the
popularity of their K-Cup pods and machines delivers it to the packaging lines."
have led to a few new manufacturing facilities.
The Spartanburg Keurig project is a beverage pod “This is a world-class facility with a very
manufacturing facility. automated system that brings coffee directly from
What makes this project unique is its long-term the coffee processing area on conveyors, and
schedule; upon completion, the time span will be delivers it to the packaging lines,” said Josh. “The
more than three years. Team members are more traditional lines they have at their other sites are
than two years into the project with a projected very manual.”
completion in March 2022. “This is a good project with a great customer,”
“The Gray team members are more of an said Patrick McCowan, Chief Operating Officer,
extension of KDP to work in whatever capacity Gray Construction. “This team could use some well-
needed to help get the lines installed,” said Senior deserved recognition.”
Project Manager Josh Murtaugh. Gray has previously completed two projects
The facility is large and highly automated, and for Keurig: a plant in Douglasville, Georgia and an
to-date Gray has constructed the building, installed expansion in Knoxville, Tennessee. In addition to the
coffee processing equipment and is now installing South Carolina project, team members are working
the 12 packaging lines that will produce K-Cups. on another Keurig facility in Essex, Vermont.