Page 13 - Graypvine August 2022
P. 13
Rob Kaltenbach
Quality Manager
This year, Field Operations held three Site “We will continue to focus on
Manager’s Outings, and a large focus was
placed on Round Table Sessions in groups the framework of our QMS,
discussing various topics. There were folks also correcting and locking down
participating from other Business Units as well as
Gray AE. It was a great show of how we can be processes that may have gone
cohesive and drive into topics with feedback from
all perspectives. astray, forging efficiencies out
For the Quality portion of these Round Tables, of the system, continuously
we explored “Quality as a Moral Issue”. Each sub- 13
session focused on Quality aligning with our Core planning, checking, feeding
Values, and the final session focused on Quality back, and improving.”
Impacts and Transparency.
To help seed the discussions, the following
understanding was highlighted: feeding back, and improving, etc.; and there is
· Quality can generally be defined as “Doing the a ton to talk about on those subjects. But our
right thing, the right way, the first time, all the process is heavily reliant on human interactions and
time” behavior. I do not remember where this “quote”
· Ethics is the study of “Right and Wrong” came from, but somewhere along the way I was
· Morality is the degree of “Ethical Behavior” taught that “you have to believe that people wake
The conversations and feedback we captured up every day wanting to do the right thing”, so it
at each table from each outing were great, and so is easy to add on the rest: “the right way, the first
important to discuss the things that challenge us time, all the time”.
on delivering a quality product. I found a lot of the Starting out every day that way, when the
moral topics also could correlate to Safety, which pressures of compromising Quality as defined
we all know ties closely together. above is in front of you in any way, large or small,
So, why discuss Quality as a Moral Issue? Simply remember the power of two – or five if needed –
put, we will continue to focus on the framework of and gain as much perspective as you can, and
our QMS, correcting and locking down processes base your behaviors on our Core Values and the
that may have gone astray, forging efficiencies out Morals of Quality. Our QMS relies on this as one of
of the system, continuously planning, checking, its foundations.