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           Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

                                                                                      866.346.5800  |

            Flexible Spending                                                             Login to your HealthEquity account at

            Accounts (FSA)                                                                Download Mobile Health in the
                                                                                          App Store or Google Play

            What is a Flexible Spending Account                  Rollover Provisions
            and what does it do?                                 Gray offers carryover of the Healthcare and Limited

            The Flexible Spending Account, as designed by the    Purpose Healthcare FSAs, which allows team members
            IRS, allows for three separate accounts: Healthcare,   to carry over up to $550 from last year’s funds into
            Limited Purpose Healthcare and Dependent Care.       the new plan year. This money becomes part of the
            Each account is designed to help you save 25-40% in   balance in your plan and is used the same way as the
            taxes on merchandise and services you already buy.   money for the new plan year.

            How do I save money by enrolling in                  Due to recent legislature relating to the COVID-19
            an FSA?                                              pandemic, team members’ full FSA balances at

            Contributions are deposited into your FSA before taxes   the end of plan year 2021 will rollover to 2022.
            are calculated on your paycheck. This lowers your
            taxable income and you pay less in taxes. In short, you
            get a tax break for putting money aside for expenses
            you would have paid for anyway.

                                                                        WHO CAN              HOW MUCH CAN
              TYPE OF ACCOUNT                 WHAT IS IT?
                                                                        PARTICIPATE?         I CONTRIBUTE?
                                              Allows you to pay for qualified   Team members who are   Up to $2,750 per year
                                              expenses and other out of   covered on a PPO plan
                      Healthcare FSA          pocket expenses related to
                                              medical, dental and vision
                                              Allows you to pay for qualified   Team members who   Up to $2,750 per year
                                              dental and vision expenses only.   are covered on a High
                Limited Purpose Healthcare FSA  Cannot be used for medical   Deductible Plan

                                              Allows you to pay for qualified   All team members  Up to $5,000 for single
                                              expenses incurred for care                     taxpayers and married
                                              provided to dependents                         couples filing jointly*
                    Dependent Care FSA
                                              including licensed childcare
                                              workers, nursery schools or                    Up to $2,500 for married
                                              elder care—while you work.                     individuals filing separately*

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