Page 5 - 2024 Cubs Charities Impact Repor
P. 5

Cubs  Jr.  All-Stars  introduces  baseball  and  softball  to  children  with  an
                                 intentional focus on social and emotional skills. Youth participate in engaging
                                 skills clinics in a variety of settings, while parents, league coaches and physical
                                 education teachers learn best practices from seasoned instructors.

                                 The  Diamond  Project  is  a  community  investment  initiative  that  aims  to
                                 respond to the immediate shortage of baseball and softball fields, reduce the
                                 equity gap of playing conditions and resources, and increase access for youth

                                 to play baseball and softball in their own neighborhoods.

                                 Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) is a Major League Baseball (MLB) youth
                                 baseball and softball outreach program. Cubs  Nike  RBI  includes an All-Star
                                 player  development  program,  fall  and  summer  league  play,  clinics  and

                                 academic enrichment opportunities.

                                 Careers  As  Sports  Executives is a study program for high school  students
                                 who are interested in sports—and perhaps careers in sports—but who would
                                 otherwise not have the opportunity to get the training, experience and tutelage
                                 to pursue entry-level jobs in the industry.

                                 Cubs  Scholars  offers  Chicago  high  school  students  financial  contributions
                                 and  a  team-sponsored  mentorship  program  designed  to  promote  academic
                                 achievement and post-secondary educational advancement.

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