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P. 66

LIGHTS                                                                                                PRINTING SERVICES

     LADDER LIGHT                                                                                                            DIGITAL PRINTING COLOR INFORMATION
     Product Code: RESORT-LDLTS
     Application:                                                                                                            OFFSET VS. DIGITAL                                       MATERIAL
     * Mammoth                                                                                                               Digital printing offers a shorter turnaround and more consistent   Printed colors look slightly different depending on materials. Refer
     * Vail-60S / 100D / 120D / 120DB                                                                                        end results than offset printing. Digital printers do not print PMS   to the material descriptions for more information.
                                                                                                                             and RGB colors. These colors will have color shifts.
                                                                                                                                                                                      OUTDOOR USE
                                                                                                                                                                                      Our outdoor banners are printed with UV-safe inks to prolong the
                                                                                                                             PMS (SPOT COLOR) MATCHING                                life of your banner. They are hemmed around the edges for long
                                                                                                                             Although digital printers do not print PMS colors, our production   life and can be grommeted for easy display outside your building
                                                                                                                             team will manually adjust the color output to match your spot   or event.
       Transformer                                                                                                           colors upon request (per color/material). Please ask us about
                                                                                                                             our PMS Color Matching service when you upload your files.
     ASPEN LED LARGE LIGHT                 ASPEN SMALL LIGHT                     T135 LED LIGHT                                                                                       RE-ORDERING
     Product Code:                         Product Code: AF-LIGHTSM              Product Code: T135                                                                                   If you are in need of graphics from a previous order printed by
     AF-LIGHTLG                            Dimensions: 4" x 4" x 20"             Weight: 2 lbs                                                                                        us, let us know before you approve proofs. To match colors with
     Dimensions: 6" x 6" x 24"             Weight: 2 lbs                                                                                                                              previously printed graphics as closely as possible, we need extra
     Weight: 2 lbs                                                               Application:                                                                                         time and information from you. We typically hold files for 3-4
                                           Application:                          * Pop Up Display                                                                                     months. By request, we can back up files for future use.
     Application:                          * Aspen Fabric Frame                  * Fabric Pop Up Display
     * Aspen Fabric Frame                                                        * Tahoe Modular Display
                                                                                 * Aspen Fabric Frame                        FINISHING OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                     GROMMET                                                   HEM
                                                                                                                                     Banner edges are hemmed                                   Banner edges are folded
                                                                                                                                     with #2 grommets in corners.                              over and stitched with white
     POP UP LED LIGHT                      READY POP LED LIGHT                   EZ TUBE LED LIGHT                                   * Available grommet colors: brass,   Brass  Silver  Black  thread.
     Product Code: PU-LEDLIGHT             Product Code: RP-LEDLIGHT             Product Code:                                        silver & black.
     Shipping Dimensions:                  Shipping Dimensions:                  EZT-LEDLIGHT
     6" x 6" x 24"                         6" x 6" x 24"                         Shipping Dimensions:                                POLE POCKET                                               CLAMP
     Weight: 2 lbs                         Weight: 2 lbs                         6" x 6" x 24"
                                                                                 Weight: 3 lbs                                       The top and/or bottom of                                  Top and/or bottom bars
     Application:                          Application:                                                                              the banner is folded over and                             clamp to banner.
     * Pop Up Display                      * Fabric Pop Up Display               Application:                                        sewn, creating a pocket that
                                                                                 * EZ Tube Display                                   accepts dowels.
                                                                                                                                     HOOK & LOOP                                               MAGNET
                                                                                                                                     Banners attach via hook &                                 Magnetic strips on sides of
                                                                                                                                     loop strips on top and/or                                 panels attach to channel bars
                                                                                                                                     bottom.                                                   on frame.
     CLAMP LIGHT                           CLAMP LED LIGHT                       VEGAS LIGHT
     Product Code:                         Product Code:                         Product Code:
     CLIGHT                                CLEDLIGHT                             VLIGHT
     Dimensions:                           Dimensions:                           Dimensions:                                 PRINTING METHODS
     6" x 6" x 24"                         6" x 6" x 24"                         4" x 4" x 20"
     Weight: 2 lbs                         Weight: 2 lbs                         Weight: 2 lbs                               THERMAL TRANSFER (HEAT PRESS)
                                                                                                                             Our thermal transfers allow 1 to 2 color images to be applied to our stock table throw and stock casita canopy products.
     Application:                          Application:                          Application:                                Using thermal transfer vinyl, we die-cut and weed your image, then apply it to the stock product using a high temperature,
     * Retractable Banner Stand            * Retractable Banner Stand            * Pop Up Displays                           large format heat press.
     * L Banner Stand                      * L Banner Stand                      * Ready Pop Fabric Display                  Used for: Casita Canopy Stock, Table Throw Stock, Skycap Umbrella Stock

                                                                                                                             DIGITAL INKJET LAMINATED PRINTING
                                                                                                                             Using a high resolution, 4-color process, we are able to output images up to 1080dpi onto titanium film media. Once this
                                                                                                                             entire image is printed, we overlay laminate—using a cold-process laminator—for durability.
     SILVER LIGHT                          BLACK LIGHT                           RESORT LIGHT STRIP                          Used for: Laminated Display Film, Pop Up Wave Display
     Product Code: SLIGHT                  Product Code: BLIGHT                  Product Code: RESORT-LS
     Cord: 8.6 ft.                         Cord: 8.6 ft.                                                                     UV PRINTING
     50W                                   50W                                   Application:                                Using the 4-color process (plus light cyan and light magenta), we create weather resistant images for outdoor graphics
     Dimensions:                           Dimensions:                           * Mammoth                                   using ultraviolet curable inks.
     4" x 4" x 20"                         4" x 4" x 20"                         * Whistler                                  Used for: UV Hybrid Vinyl, UV Super Flat Vinyl, Scrim Vinyl, UV Casita Canopy, UV Backlit, PVC
     Weight: 2 lbs                         Weight: 2 lbs                         * Vail-60S / 100D / 120D / 120DB
     Application:                          Application:                                                                      The direct-to-fabric printing process applies the ink directly to the fabric using the 4-color process. The print then goes
     * Retractable Banner Stand            * Retractable Banner Stand                                                        through the sublimation process of heat-plus-time to create beautiful, photo images.
                                                                                                                             Used for: All Fabric (except UV Fabrics)

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