Page 6 - 2023-24_mid_year_report_AFIRE_V2 Marilou Mariko Carrera
P. 6
Program Updates
AFIRE’s capacity to engage in community The GoldenAgers programming (formerly the
outreach for Citizenship services has increased Elderflowers) launched in July, giving our elders
exponentially. We saw a big change in finding a chance to showcase their vocal talents.
and connecting with new applicants, due There are currently 14 members, and they have as well as ICIRR’s press conference outside EDUCATING OUR
largely in part to fresh ideas from new staff had 2 performances to date. We hope to grow the James R. Thompson Center for increased COMMUNITY THROUGH
members; we engaged 200+ people in the these numbers over the next year and find funding for new arrivals. In addition, we BASE BUILDING
first four months of the fiscal year, which is songs that connect more directly to AFIRE's advocated for the passage of the Paid Time
more than the total for the entire previous work. We’d also like to find projects that could Off Ordinance, which passed in November. AFIRE implements a variety of exciting and
year. Outreach opportunities have expanded include youth (such as performances with This dramatically expands the city's existing educational activities to increase our member-
to Filipino-American food and vendor events, visual arts components). Watch out for your paid sick leave ordinance to require employers ship base. Community education opportunities
general community events, and Chicagoland next chance to see them perform! to provide an additional 40 hours of paid leave, create space to process and navigate current
higher-education institutions. which employees can use for any purpose. events. Community members gathered in
SOLIDARITY THROUGH the Fall and became grounded in their under-
COALITION WORK standing of how oppressive systems work
and discussed different points to interrupt and
Our coalition and cohort relationships contin- create systems change.
ue to serve as resources to better understand Additionally, we welcomed students back to
the landscape of organizing at the city, state, our first Tagalog 101 class since pre-pandemic.
and federal levels while trading notes with The class remains in alignment with our
aligned organizations. In 2023, we traveled values of care. It was also moving to see queer
with the Pan-Asian Voter Empowerment Co- Filipinx people sharing this resource while
alition (PAVE) to Springfield ahead of Asian simultaneously holding and leading the space.
American Action Day in May and again for the We received feedback that attendees felt more
Veto Session Lobby Day in November. We also confident to engage with the language, and
turned out with the Illinois Coalition for Immi- hope for the opportunity to take more classes.
grant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) at City Hall