Page 35 - BCAC DAOT Order Guide
P. 35

Thank You!

             Sorors of the Delta Authors on Tour 2021,

             The  Broward  County  Alumnae  Chapter  of  Delta  Sigma  Theta

             Sorority  Incorporated  would  like  to  extend  a  warm  THANK

             YOU  for  participating  in  our  authors’  tour.  Our  community
             thoroughly  enjoyed  your  presence  and  the  valuable  lessons

             learned  through  your  books.  We  would  also  like  to

             acknowledge  your  relentless  contribution  to  one  of  Delta’s
             Five-Point  Programmatic  Thrust,  Educational  Development,

             which  you  all  have  demonstrated  by  becoming  published

             authors  and  a  beacon  of  light  through  your  literary  works.
             Thank  you  for  answering  the  call.  We  wish  you  all  the  best,

             and may you continue to strive and thrive.

                                                       DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC.
                                                     BROWARD COUNTY ALUMNAE CHAPTER

                                                                2250 NW 21ST AVENUE
                                                            FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311

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