Page 3 - Epatrika2020 KV2 AFA DUNDIGAL HYD
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विद्यालय पतत्रका यिु ा मन की रचनात्मक अजभव्यवक्तयों का एक पररणाम है और श्री एन. हरर प्रसाद
सत्र 2019-20 की गततविनधयों और उपलब्धि को भी दिाता है। छात्रों और
शिक्षकों ने काम ककया, बोिड परीक्षा पररणामों के सदं भथ में अपनी सकू ्ष्मता सापबत
की और विद्यालय में लाए, िे सराहना के पात्र हैं।
All the activities like Games and Sports, Work Education, Art Education,
External competitions, KVS Flagship Programmes gave an ample of scope and
opportunities of participation of students and to have inward journey to explore
what strength they have and what needs to be improved. Congratulations to all
the co-scholastic subject teachers for their relentless work and efforts for the all-
round development of students. Everything is possible when the students respond
positively to their mentors, teachers, parents and peer group. It shows even a
positive parenting and parents also deserve the appreciation for guiding their
wards in a proper direction.
My sincere thanks to the Chairman, VMC and VMC Members for their great
support and blessings in all our endeavours. Motivation, guidance and
timely extending the helping hand in all school activities show the
genuine concern for EDUCATION.
The Editorial Board put their heart and head to make magazine an excellent
presentation. Kudos to them. Keep it up. Once again, we the team of KV 2 AFA, assure all
the stake holders that we share our might in realizing the dreams of students and parents.
With a reminder to all for a new normal of life: Wear Mask, Maintain distance and
frequently wash your hands to fight COVID-19.
आिा करते है कक मौिदू पररस्थिततयों से लडना, िीना सीखगें े ।हमारे बच्चों के महान और सरु शक्षत भविष्य के
शलए काम करने का सकं ल्प हम सब लगें ।े
िय रहन्द