Page 12 - RISE-MARCH 2021
P. 12
The Knights Game Dhabi, though my practice with my chess coach has reduced
Article from 5 hours a day to 2 hours a day, yet I have a lovely chess
environment in Abu Dhabi chess club. Every time when I go
to India for vacation, I used to play tournaments and attend
chess coaching, voluntarily sacrificing my vacation to achieve
my greater goals, as I believe that to achieve grander goals,
relentless effort is required.
My notable achievements in UAE are UAE National U 14
chess champion, Fujairah World tour chess solving competi-
tion runner up and Zayed sports festival second runner up.
Apart form this, many club tournaments have added feath-
ers to my cap. Still, I must work a long way to achieve my
In 2013, my maternal grandmother enrolled me in chess
dream to become one among the world class players.
class, perhaps thinking that it would be the appropriate game
for a quiet, reserved, 5-year-old kid. After a lot of practice, I Chess has not only given me applauds but also gave me self-
started playing the weekend tournaments in Pondicherry my control, self-restrain, self-confidence, disciple and above all
hometown. it has taught me how to show respect to my opponent.
My first notable tournament was in 2013 in which the state Focus, Patience, Perseverance, and Preparation are the key
Under 7 championship. This paved the way to chess being my virtues a chess player should possess. Loosing games in
priority. The intellectual nature of the game, and its fair tac- chess is inevitable but learning from losses is important.
tics made chess more interesting as I indulged into the game. Losing a game provides better opportunity to learn than a
With my Parents’ and grandparent’s constant encourage- victory or a draw, as you are learning from someone better
ment, I participated in than you while playing.
more tournaments. Sports is an area where consistency cannot be achieved al-
In the world of chess, ways. But I keep running, as chess has given me my identity.
my age at the time My eventual goal is to become Grand Master in chess one
was when great play- day.
ers and prodigies
would choose chess as
a career. My parents
convinced me that I
can manage and pursue chess and academics side-by-side.
In 2014, at the age of 6, I represented India in World youth
chess championship held at Durban, South Africa, and Asian
school chess championship held in Thailand. Later in 2015 I
represented India in Asian youth chess championship held at
Seoul, South Korea. Even though I missed the titles, the In-
ternational exposure and experience are some of my most
treasured memories.
From age 6 to present, I have been the State champion of
Pondicherry in my age category. I have also secured remarka- Harshavardhini M S
ble places in Indian National chess championships and have 8D
won more than hundreds of trophies. After moving to Abu