Page 26 - RISE - APRIL 2021
P. 26
Be Compassionate and Kind to one another!
Kindness and compassion are more than a deed. It's a way of be-
ing, an expression, a look and a touch. It's something that makes
another person feel better.
Think! What are the benefits of being compassionate and kind? how
can they benefit you?
Being kind and compassionate makes you happier. It will give you the
immense opportunity and satisfaction in yourself to feel for other
people's feelings and emotions. It has also been found that there are
many mental and physical health benefits for those who give as well as those who receive. We have the ability to em-
pathize and respect others since childhood. We can steadily improve this ability by practicing kindness, care and love
not only for our family and friends, but for all living beings in our community and around the world. It can be
strengthened by ignoring differences and focusing on commonalities, which will help us to understand what another
person is going through. There are many ways to show compassion for others, but the most important thing to re-
member is that it should come from our heart.
Here are a few suggestions, if you are at a loss for words. Try highlighting other person's strengths and abilities, or
express your trust in them. Encourage and reassure them that you will be there for them even though things are
Daily repeat this Affirmation
“I promise to practice compassion and kindness through my words and deeds.”
Saeeda Zarrin Kidwai
School social worker