Page 15 - E-Module Expression Material for 10th Students
P. 15


             Listen carefully to the audio.

                        Mind if I join you?

                                                            Hi! Sure, please have a seat.

                        Thanks. I'm Jane, by the way. What's your name?

                                                 I'm Anthony. Nice to meet you, Jane.

                       Likewise, Anthony. So, what brings you to this cafe?

                                    I usually come here to relax and order coffee.

                                                                             How about you?

                       I'm meeting up with a friend later. Oh sorry, I should

                       probably head out now.

                                                               It’s okay, Jane. Take care!

                3.  Where are Jane and Anthony meet?

                      a.  At a restaurant                             d.  At a park

                      b.  At a library                                    e.  At a school

                      c.  At a cafe

                          The answer is

                                                                       Chapter 1 - Talking about self          12
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