Page 7 - E-Module Expression Material for 10th Students
P. 7

Structure of the text


           Biasanya mencakup sapaan (Good morning/afternoon/evening/etc.)


           Menanyakan dan menyampaikan informasi tentang diri kepada orang lain.

                            ASKING AND RESPONDING EXPRESSION

                     ASKING                                                     RESPONDING

                   What is your name?                                    My name is Frisca Indriany

                   Where do you come from?                               I come from Sukabumi

                   How old are you?                                      I am 17 years old

                   Do you have any siblings?                             Yes, I have one brother.

                                                                         No, I don't. I'm the only kid

                                                                         in my family.

                   Where did you study?                                  I study at YASPIM

                   What grade are you?                                   I'm in the 10th grade

                   What are your hopes and                               My ultimate goal is to

                   dreams for the future?                                become a successful


                                                                       Chapter 1 - Talking about self          4
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