Page 5 - UU Online Church e-bulletin 31st July 2021
P. 5
I Will Go involves all church members in reaching the world,
inspiring and equipping them to use their God-given spiritual gifts
in witness and service for Christ.
The Reach the World: I Will Go strategic plan is a rallying cry to Total
Member Involvement. At its core, I Will Go is about you. It’s also
about the whole church—church members, local churches,
missions, conferences, unions, divisions, the General Conference,
and other institutions—partnering to share the gospel with our
communities and to the ends of the earth.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28 is clear: Jesus’ followers are to
go and make disciples of all nations. The gospel must be shared
with the hundreds of unreached people groups around the world. I
Will Go outlines speci c objectives and ways to accomplish this