Page 7 - Magazine 2020-21
P. 7
Shri. Vijay Kothari
“ The greatest achievement is to out perform yourself.”
- Denis Waitley
My heartiest congratulations to our school's editorial team on releasing
the 38th edition of Pallav. You have outdone your previous
Despite the pandemic, our school students have reached heights and
have brought laurels to our school. Our teachers aced the challenge of
fitting a classroom into their smartphones and computers. SBSM is
proud of having such versatile teachers and dedicated students, who
have all, once again, proved that they can achieve their goals, even with
limited resources at their disposal. This magazine displays the
commitment of our students and teachers. We have certainly made an
impact during the Pandemic.
To all the students who contributed to this magazine, to The Principal &
all the teachers, I wish to convey my most profound appreciation.