Page 14 - Progetta Donna
P. 14

Almost half (49%) of women on executive boards of Italian organisations in SA were born in Australia, over a quarter (29%) arrived in Australia more than 36 years ago, 7% arrived 16-35 years ago, 10% arrived 6-15 years ago and 5% arrived in the past 5 years (Figure 12).
 Born in Australia 49%
Arrived in Australia more than 36 years ago 29%
Arrived in Australia 16-35 years ago 7%
Arrived in Australia 6-15 years ago 10%
When analysing the migration history of women in the various roles of executive boards of Italian organisations in SA (Figure 13), it is of note that the majority of presidents were either born in Australia (4 out of 10) or migrated to Australia more than 36 years ago (4 out of 10). When comparing this to the overall number of women on executive boards, more presidents arrived in Australia more than 36 years ago (40%) compared with those across all executive board roles (29%) and fewer were born in Australia (40%) compared with those across all executive board roles (49%). The
interesting point here is that more
   Arrived in Australia 0-5 years ago 5%
Figure 12: Migration history of women on executive boards of Italian organisations in SA.
presidents, compared with the average across all roles, arrived in Australia more than 36 years ago, and fewer current presidents were born in Australia.
The data about women in the role of secretary showed a similar trend, with more arriving in Australia more than 36 years ago (47%, 8 out of 17) compared with those across all executive board roles (29%) and less being born in Australia (41%, 7 out of 17) compared with those across all executive board roles (49%).
Moreover, the data about women in the role of treasurer showed the opposite trend, indicating that the majority of women who were treasurers were born in Australia (67%, 8 out of 12) compared with 49% across all executive board roles.
 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Vice President
Role of Women on Executive Boards
Executive Member 1
Executive Member 2
Arrived in Australia more than 36 years ago Arrived in Australia 16-35 years ago Arrived in Australia 6-15 years ago Arrived in Australia 0-5 years ago Born in Australia
     Figure 13: Role and migration history of women on executive boards of Italian organisations in SA. 14
Number of women on executive boards

   12   13   14   15   16