Page 4 - Progetta Donna
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Italian women have played a significant role in the South Australian-Italian community for generations. However, they are often underrepresented in leadership positions within the community, and their contribution goes frequently unrecognised. This project, led by Com. It.Es. South Australia (SA) and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Italy (MAECI), aims at addressing this issue by taking concrete steps to emphasise the important role of women and to create a lasting impact on the community.
The project has been developed through three major lines of action:
1. SURVEY OF LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS: The first action involved mapping the presence of women in leadership roles within Italian clubs, associations, and radio stations. This action aimed at measuring the extent of underrepresentation and providing a better understanding on this issue, which had previously been largely anecdotal. The ultimate goal is to ensure women’s voices are adequately represented in decision-making positions, acknowledging their unique needs and perspective. A survey was submitted between May and July 2023 to all the Italian clubs, associations and radio stations in SA, and the results of this survey are presented in this booklet.
2. ‘PROGETTO DONNA’ AWARDS: Women have always contributed substantially to the Italo-Australian community in SA. Yet they are often absent from nominations for recognition. In other words, their work and contribution are valued but rarely acknowledged. This is a loss for the entire Italo-Australian community, in particular young people who do not have adequate role models to inspire them and as a result they may turn their back on their heritage. The Com.It.Es. SA ‘Progetto Donna’ Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements and contributions of extraordinary women who have gone above and beyond in their chosen fields. In doing so, they have encouraged and inspired others in their professions and/or in the community, including volunteering. Categories for the awards were: Business, Arts, Culture, Research-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Research-Humanities, Sport, Emerging Leaders, and Life Achievement.
3. ‘PROGETTO DONNA’ TRAILER: We were commissioned by MAECI to produce a short film, to give a creative perspective to the project. We embraced the task as another avenue to celebrate women in our community, and to send a message to the younger generations of women that they can achieve anything they desire. This film will be available for viewing on our Com.It.Es. website, once approved by MAECI.
The impact of this project is twofold: it addresses the underrepresentation of Italian women in leadership roles and provides a pathway for the next generation of Italian girls to achieve their full potential.

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