Page 22 - October 7 - Teresa Pirola
P. 22

A Call to Action: What Can We Do?
In view of Christianity’s history, Christians have a particular responsibility to speak, act and pray. We are not powerless. Each of us can do something within our sphere of influence. For example:
• Christians can condemn in the strongest terms the unspeakable actions of terror unleashed by Hamas on innocent civilians in Israeli communities in the quiet of a Jewish religious holy day on October 7, 2023.
• As one voice, churches can call for the safe and immediate return of the hostages, and make this an urgent prayer intention.
• Christian social justice organisations can take the cause of combatting antisemitism as seriously as other justice causes.
• In view of the particularly vicious nature of the violence unleashed against women on October 7, Christians can speak up in support of their Jewish sisters.
• Christians can educate their children about antisemitism, including its subtle and dangerous influence within Christian communities. Education about antisemitism is vital in a world where the term is becoming less rather than better understood, where Holocaust denial thrives on social media and where the memory of the Holocaust is dimming with time.
• Christians can also join with Jewish communities to remember Kristallnacht each year.
The Legacy of William Cooper
In closing, it is fitting to revisit the story of William Cooper, an Aboriginal leader, a proud Yorta Yorta man and

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