Page 52 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2012
P. 52
St Edmund’s is a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition. In following this tradition we focus on the gospels, that Edmund so loved, for our guidance and inspiration.
This year we have paid particular attention to the Beattitudes (Matthew 5: 1-12). As Jesus spoke on the Mount he advocated the attitudes of being:
Be Humble
Be Empathetic Show Self-restraint Be Righteous Be Merciful Show Integrity Be Non-violent And Persevere.
These values we have tried to develop through the school. All members of the school community; students, staff, parents and friends are asked to be a part of this journey as we accept the challenge of Blessed Edmund Rice to Dare to ‘BE’ the best we can be in everything that we do.
Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever!