Page 7 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2013
P. 7
"Leisure in the Library"
Leisure in the library gave us the opportunity to get to engage in a whole range of activities including a chat room; a library blog and checking out interactive books aps on the iPad.
We could even review books for the Spine Out online magazine...
and appear in the magazine .
Poetry Installation
The library hosted a fabulous poetry installation this year where we could use our iPads’ QR readers to scan barcodes displayed around the library space.
When we scanned them they took us to youtube clips of some of our favourite poems as well as some that we hadn’t heard of before.
We explored AB Paterson's "Mulga Bill's Bicycle", Dr. Seuss poems such as 'The Cat in the Hat', Spike Milligan's "On the Ning, Nang, Nong", poems from Andy Griffith's "Bad Book" and Steven Herrick's "10 Things your parents will never say".
“We used roller blades like the boy and girl did in the book ‘Grunge Girl’”, Stephanie, 11N