Page 50 - ANZCP Gazette May 2023
P. 50
Jessica Betts
Age: 30 years old
Hospital: Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia
If I’m not in theatre or studying, I’m usually at the dog- park with my Toy Poodle Leo. Otherwise, I'm out riding my bike, reading a book in the corner, or having dinner with my friends or fiancé.
Fave Snack or beverage:
Genuinely obsessed and addicted to Coffee. My go-to is a long black with a dash of full-cream milk.
The last late night I had....
Consisted of a couple colleagues from work and I going to see a Fringe show at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Note to self: always eat if you endeavour to drink wine!
Best Childhood Memory: Endless days at the beach over the summer holidays.
My First Day as a Perfusionist.....
I was so nervous but excited to start learning! I left feeling a little overwhelmed that first day but knew it would just take some time to get my head around things.
What drew me to Perfusion...
The challenge! And, of course, the ability to help others. 47 MAY 2023 |
Name something you appreciate about the team you work in:
I work in a team of six, and what I love most is that everyone has different strengths and qualities they bring to the team. Also, a special mention to my trainee supervisor Annette Mazzone, she has been a great mentor and has supported me in my studies and clinical journey so far (as has everyone in my department!)