Page 56 - ANZCP Gazette May 2023
P. 56
Terumo Award
The Terumo Award is in recognition of the best scientific or clinical paper presented by a full ANZCP member. Since 1990 the Terumo Corporation has committed funds to recognise and encourage the growing professionalism of Australasian perfusionists. The winner is decided by a panel of judges (ANZCP full members) who take into account original content, scientific accuracy, conclusions and overall presentation. The award is open to full members of the ANZCP.
“On behalf of Terumo Australia, sincere congratulations to Rona Steel on her presentation, ‘Feasibility of DAH30 in a single Australian cardiac centre’."
Tara Davis, Terumo Australia
Syd Yarrow LivaNova Award
Awarded to the student member of the College who has made the best presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting. Founded in 1993, this award was named to recognise the outstanding contribution of Syd Yarrow to the perfusion profession over his long career. The purpose is to encourage high standards of professional activity and educational development in perfusion students. The award takes the form of a grant of funds to assist in costs associated with the recipient visiting cardiac centres in Australasia or overseas to further perfusion education.
“LivaNova was delighted to present the 2022 Syd Yarrow Award to Courtney Adams for her excellent presentation on ‘A retrospective cohort study comparing the effect of del Nido and microplegia solutions on the aortic cross-clamp times in coronary artery graft surgery.’ Congratulations Courtney!"
Donna Tymensen, LivaNova
Medtronic Encouragement Award
Founded in 1997 to encourage the scientific development of Australasian perfusionists, this award is made for an especially meritorious presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting. The award provides funds to assist the recipient to attend a local or overseas meeting or to visit and learn from leading cardiac units.
Medtronic wishes to congratulate Aiden Singh Howard for his excellent paper ‘An Audit on the Quality of Intraoperative Cell Salvage at Flinders Medical Centre’.
ANZCP Meritorious Award
The purpose of the ANZCP sponsored Meritorious Award is to acknowledge presentations of excellence and which are considered to be sufficiently meritorious.
Awarded to: Amber Darwinkel-Wodson for ‘Organ Preservation in the 2020s: XVIVO Heart Box (Part 2)’.
ANZBP Scholarship Award
The ANZBP Scholarship Award is given to the student who achieves the highest mark in the ANZBP Certification Exam.
Awarded to: Courtney Adams and Justine Proctor
[Both students above achieved the same score]
ANZCP Gazette Awards
Awarded by the Gazette Editorial Committee for outstanding contributions to the Gazette.
Awarded to:
Grace Agbulos, for ‘Around the Pump Room’, in April 2022 Gazette Edition
Jenny Jeng, for ‘Comparison of cerebral embolic load between aortic cross-clamp and partial aortic side-clamp techniques during CABG’, in April 2022 Gazette Edition
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Quiz #6 – Answers
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