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First, I would like to say all praises and gratitudes to Allah Swt who has
given His mercy and grace so that the author can complete this student worksheets
This student worksheet contains Interpersonal text material for grade VII
Junior High School that is in accordance with content standards and competency
standards based on the 2013 curriculum. This student worksheet is structured to
make Interpersonal text material easy to understand and students can easily
understand how to solve various questions. Related to everyday life, and it is
hoped that the material can improve student learning outcomes. In addition, this
student worksheet is also prepared as one of the learning tools in the
implementation of English language learning in schools.
The presentation of the material in the student worksheet is systematic,
effective, and easy to understand. This student worksheet is in the hope of
increasing students' understanding of the Interpersonal text material, because this
student worksheet determines students' ability to read interpersonal text related to
everyday life.
On this occasion, the authors would like to thank those who have helped to
complete this student worksheet. The author is also grateful to those who are
willing to provide constructive criticism, suggestions and positive input. The
author hopes that this student worksheet is able to provide positive things to
readers, as well as to the development of science, especially English.