Page 6 - E-LKPD SMP IT PH GRADE 7 fix
P. 6

3.2  Identifying a very short and simple written interpersonal interaction text that

                   involves the act of saying goodbye, saying goodbye, saying thank you, and

                   apologizing,  and  responding  to  it  by  paying  attention  to  the  correct  social

                   function, text structure, and linguistic elements and in context

                3.3 Identifying  the  social  functions,  structure,  and  the  language  features  of

                    interpersonal texts, either spoken or written that involves giving and asking

                    information related to time, time in the numeric form, day, date, month, year,

                    according to their context.

               3.4 Identifying  the  social  functions,  structure,  and  language  features  of

                   interpersonal  texts,  either  spoken  or  written  that  involve  giving  and  asking

                   information  related  to  name  and  the  number  of  animals,  things,  and  public

                   places that are close to students’, daily life, according to the context. (Note the

                   language features and vocabularies related to ‘a’ and ‘the’ articles, plural and

                   singular nouns).

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