P. 3

*Koktayla (attention)*:

           Gentle American hand grip

           "Hey, America... It's never too late to change. We've all made mistakes, but that's not the end of

           everything. I'm here for you."

           ("No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start now and make a

           brand new ending.")

           *Morgan (wise)*:

           His voice was calm but firm

           "You know, Ameria, forgiveness is not just about others forgiving us. It's about us being able to
           forgive ourselves. Regret is natural, but don't let it destroy you."

           *Whizki (closed)*:

           While staring at the floor, a flat voice

           "Why should it be brought up again, America? What has happened, has already happened. Maybe

           it's better that we don't talk about this anymore."

           *Ameria (full of regret)*:

           Sounds more and more emotional

           "But Whizki, I feel as if my life has no meaning anymore. Every day I was haunted by those sins.

           You guys don't know what it feels like."

           *Koktayla (attention)*:

           Smiling softly, trying to calm down

           "We don't know completely, but we're here for you. Don't shut yourself off, Ameria. You're not

           *Morgan (wise)*:

           His voice is deep, full of meaning

           "Ameria, remember this. Sin is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of change. As long as

           you live, there is always a chance to improve."

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