Page 12 - 2021 Beach Ball Program
P. 12

100% of Morning Light Board and Committee Members make a financial contribution!

                                          2021 Morning Light Board of Directors
                                                Brandon Hoopingarner, Chair
                                                  Holly Carter, Vice Chair
                                                 Geoff Thompson, Treasurer
                                            Meresa Creekmore-Armor, Secretary
                                                   Hitesh Patel, At Large
                                                        Crystal Allen
                                                        Tony Bewsey
                                                     Elizabeth Casalini
                                                       T. Lynn Denny
                                                      Lamont Hatcher
                                                         Juli Hurdle
                                                      Dr. Tom Ledyard
                                                      Dr. Erin Newton
                                                     Dr. Rafael Rosario
                                            Brenda Schultz, Immediate Past Chair
                                                       Chris Williams
                                       Abbie Hunt Bryce Home Advisory Committee
                                                   Dr. Erin Newton, Chair
                                                       Lee Ann Blue
                                                       Dr. Lyle Fettig
                                                         Juli Hurdle
                                                     Dr. Rafael Rosario
                                                       Chris Williams
                                                        Diane Willis
                     Staff: Nicole Asaaju, Tom Fodor, Madison Gonzalez, Dai’Ja Lewis, Rachael Winbush
                                            Financial Development Committee
                                                    Brenda Schultz, Chair
                                                        Tony Bewsey
                                                        Holly Carter
                                                 Meresa Creekmore-Armor
                                                     Elizabeth Casalini
                                                       T. Lynn Denny
                                                        Hitesh Patel
                                                         Rita Wise
                                     Staff: Tom Fodor, Madison Gonzalez. Skye Schwab
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