Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 17 to 07 24
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                COIVD-19 INFORMATION                              ALEXANDRIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
                                                                 DO IF YOU SEE A
                                                                  VIOLATION OF
                                                                  AN EXECUTIVE
                                                                First,  determine  that
                                                                there  really  is  a  viola-
                                                                tion. Different business-
                                                                es and venues have dif-
                                                                ferent restrictions.
                                                                •   If an individual pa-
                                                                    tron is not wearing
                                                                    a face covering, they may have a medical reason that pro-
                                                                    hibits them from wearing one. They are not required to
                                                                    provide medical documentation. Maintain at least 6 feet of
                                                                    distance and keep your face covering on yourself.
                                                                •   If an employee of a business in a customer-facing role is
                                                                    not wearing a face covering, ask the employee or the man-
                                                                    ager if they will wear one. You may wish to say, “I would
                                                                    feel safer if you/your employee would wear a face cover-
    Executive Order 63 requires any person age 10 or older to cov-  ing” or “There is a requirement that customer-facing em-
    er their mouth and nose with a face covering when entering,     ployees wear face coverings – will you please comply with
    traveling through, spending time in, and exiting public build-  that requirement?”
    ings. This requirement does not apply to the following situa-  •   Consider  reporting  violations  on  Virginia  Department  of
    tions:                                                          Health’s online complaint form or call Alexandria Health
    •   While eating or drinking                                    Department’s COVID-19 Hotline at 703.746.4988 week-
    •   While exercising/using exercise equipment                   days 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Messages left after hours, holidays
    •   For any person who has trouble breathing, is unconscious,   and weekends will be returned the next business day.
        is incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face cov-  •   Consider  not  patronizing  businesses  and  establishments
        ering without assistance                                    that  are  not  following  or  enforcing  requirements  of  the
    •   Employees working in non-customer facing areas              Executive Orders, which are designed to reduce the risk of
    •   For any person seeking to communicate with the hearing      transmission  of  the  virus  that  causes  COVID-19.  Advise
        impaired and for whom the speaker’s mouth needs to be       the business of your decision. Feel free to adapt and send
        visible                                                     the Alexandria Health Department's template letter to the
    •   When removal is required to obtain government or medi-      business.
        cal services                                            Look  for  the  ALX  Promise  Shield  shown  above ,  a  marker
    •   For persons who have a health condition that prevents the   that  businesses  have  completed  Alexandria  Health  Depart-
        safe use of a face covering                             ment’s voluntary safety training. Alexandria  businesses  with
            •   Please  note that any person declining to  wear  a   the ALX Promise Shield have gone above and beyond and are
               face  covering  due  to  a  medical  condition  is  not   committed to higher safety standards for employees and cus-
               required to provide medical documentation.       tomers than the minimum rules required.

                                                                                                        New Management!
                                                                        WEEKLY SPECIALS              Delivery and Carry-out
                                                                 Breakfast (Monday - Friday)                571-970-2733
                                                                 Buy any breakfast and get a free
                                                                 cup of coffee or any 10oz. juice
                                                                 (orange, orange guava, apple,
                                                                 cranberry). Does not include

                                                                 breakfast sides.
                                                                 Lunch (Monday - Friday)
                                                                 Buy any lunch and get a free
                                                                 Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi or Sprite.
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