Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 24 to 07 31
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Friday, July 24, 2020 to Friday, July 31, 2020 • Watergate at Landmark Unit Owners Association
This month’s Board Meeting will be Tuesday,
*The schedule may July 28, 2020, via teleconference at 7:30 p.m.
change.* To speak during the Resident Forum or to listen
to the meeting, email Brittney Copeland at
•Bldg. 1 HVAC/Fascia no later than
Project for Tiers 1, 3 and
noon on Tuesday, July 28.
5 is in progress.
•Bldg. 2’s Balcony Res- Include your name, building and unit number in Don’t forget to bring your current WAL ID with
toration for Tier 20 is in your response. Also note whether you want to the gold “expires Jan. 31, 2021” affixed each
progress. speak during the residents forum and the topic time you come to the pool. Also, keep the
of discussion in your reply. We will then email following in mind when visiting the pool
•Bldg. 2’s Balcony Res- you the conference phone number and access facilities here at WAL:
toration for Tiers 16 and code. For those who sign up to speak, a code will
18 is in progress. be provided that allows you to un-mute your OUTDOOR POOL
phone. The Board President will call your name • Entire pool is open for diving, exercise, free
and you will have three minutes to speak. swim or instruction.
Thereafter, you will need to mute your phone for • Only three people are permitted in diving
the remainder of the meeting. area with 10-foot distancing.
• The outdoor spa, foot wash river and the
WHERE’S spray pad are closed.
YOUR BIKE • Pool not deck must close every 45 minutes
for disinfection of touch surfaces.
DECAL? • There is a maximum of 250 residents total in
Residents, be sure both outdoor pool areas whether the persons
to obtain current are in the pool or not.
IMPORTANT registration decals • While within this facility maintain 10 foot of
CONTACTS for all bicycles stored in the garage racks or physical distance between anyone who is
parking spaces if you did not do so at re- not from the same household.
Shuttle Bus Text Updates • Face coverings are recommended when not
Text “watergate” to registration. Bicycles must have a yellow decal
844-612-2165 that states, “EXP. Jan 31, 2021.” able to maintain social distancing.
• There is a three person maximum per lane
FirstService Residential As per Association Bylaws, unidentified bicycles with 10-foot distancing between swimmers
703-385-1133 on WAL property will be removed, stored for 30
in the outdoor lap lane.
Resident Services Office days and then disposed of as necessary. Patrol
703-370-7000 Services Officers are currently culling racks and INDOOR POOL
• Entire pool is open.
Gate Communications issuing a one-time courtesy notice on bikes that
703-370-2674 have expired or missing decals. Be sure to • Spa and saunas are closed.
protect your bike by obtaining an up-to-date • Pool not deck must close every 45 minutes
Activities Office for disinfection of touch surfaces.
703-370-7092 bicycle decal at the Resident Services Office!
• No more than 62 residents can be in the
Lobby Entrance Camera PLEASE USE facility whether they are in the pool or not.
Comcast - 971 • While within this facility maintain 10 foot of
Master Antenna - 3 THE FAN WHILE physical distance between anyone who is
WAL CCTV Channels COOKING not from the same household.
Comcast - 970 Make sure your kitchen • Face coverings are recommended when not
Master Antenna - 8 able to maintain social distancing.
fan works properly. Every
Metro Water time you cook, be sure to • There is a three person maximum per lane
703-461-3418 turn it on! This helps funnel the air to the proper with 10-foot distancing between swimmers
Racquet Club outside areas rather than into the hallways or in the indoor lap lane.
703-370-7047 other units. Thank you!