Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 24 to 07 31
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COVID-19 UPDATES FROM THE                              WANT TO SHARE A
           ALEXANDRIA DEPT. OF HEALTH                             STORY OR PHOTOS
                    FACE MASK QUESTIONS?                         WITH NEIGHBORS?
                                       Many  Alexandria  resi-  As residents you have the ability
                                       dents have called AHD    to  submit  content  that  may  be
                                       with  complaints  about   published in the Wheel. Delays,
                                       people  not  wearing     changing  news  or  space  re-
                                       face covers or crowding   strictions  may  change  publica-
                                       into  elevators  in  resi-  tion dates. Final publication de-
                                       dential  buildings.  In  a   cisions  are  made  by  Manage-
                                       letter published on July   ment,  and  publication  is  not
                                       14,  the  AHD  Health    guaranteed.  Keep  this  in  mind
                                       Director  made  this     when creating an entry:
                                       clarifying statement:    • Noteworthy events, uplifting information  appropriate humor
                                                                  or  satirical  content  OK or  community-related  content  is  en-
    “Executive Order 63 does apply to indoor common areas of      couraged.
    apartment or condominium buildings. This may include lobby   • Get/include quotes from participants.
    areas, mailrooms, laundry facilities, and elevators.”       • Keep it to no more than 1.5 pages.
                                                                • Have at least two people read it before you submit it for publi-
    As a result, it is mandatory that all residents wear masks while   cation.
    using indoor public spaces at WAL for any purpose. Please be   • Keep the season and events in mind.
    sure you’re following the law and refrain from confronting per-  • Avoid controversial topics.
    sons not wearing a mask personally or directly.             • Make sure pictures are high quality  300 dpi prints best .

                      CORONAVIRUS FAQ
                                                                        FITNESS CENTER REMINDERS
    Visit   or  call                             Please  be  mindful  of  mobile

    AHD’s Coronavirus Hotline at 703-746-4988. The hotline is                                 phone conversations and mu-
    staffed  9  a.m.—6  p.m.  Monday—Friday  for  anyone  to  call                            sic volumes while you use our
    with  questions  or  concerns.  Voice  messages  are  accepted                            fitness  center.  According  to
    when the hotline is not staffed and will be returned the next                             PR  90, audio devices are pro-
    business day.                                                                             hibited  unless  accompanied

                 ALEXANDRIA PROMISE SHIELD                                                    by  a  headset  that  limits  the
                                                                                              sounds  to  the  user  only.
    Look  for  the  ALX  Promise                                                              Sounds may not interfere with
    Shield  pictured right , a marker                                                         another user’s workout. Pub-
    that  businesses  have  completed                                                         lic  music  or  video  playing  as
    Alexandria Health Department’s                              well as audible phone conversations are not allowed.
    voluntary  safety  training.  Alex-
    andria businesses with the ALX                              Please  note  that  you  are  required  to  wipe  down  and  sanitize
    Promise Shield have gone above                              equipment after use to protect the equipment and your health
    and  beyond  and  are  committed                            per COVID-19 reopening procedures. A waiver must be signed
    to  higher  safety  standards  for                          upon entry  and prior to using any equipment. Finally, the yellow
    employees and customers than the minimum rules required.    tape on equipment should not be removed  at any time as the
                                                                Fitness Center is operating at reduced capacity.

                                                                   Breakfast Special
                                                                     Monday- Friday
                                                                      (7 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
                                                                  Buy any breakfast
                                                                  from the menu
                                                                  (individual breakfast
                                                                  sides excluded) and get
                                                                  a free coffee or 10 oz.
                                                                  juice).                   Under New Management!
                                                                                       Delivery and Carry-out * 571-970-2733
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