Page 9 - February 2020final
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“On  her  farm,  I’d  eat  whatever  she   Mistakes  and  life’s  challenges—  His  BLT  Steak  restaurant  biography
        grew  out  there.  No  washing  things   including working with a broken an-  credits  renown  D.C.  chefs  Jeffrey

        off. I’d just go on and pick the blue-  kle at a restaurant in Hawaii—didn’t   Buben  and  R.J.  Cooper  from  Vi-
        berries and eat them fresh. I’d eat the   stop  Mike  from  pursuing  his  goals.   dalia—where Bonk got his first job—
        peas  she  grew  out  there,  too,”  he   Rather, it was the lessons he learned   as  well  as  Chef  Nicholas  Stefanelli
        says.                                 all  throughout  life,  culinary  school   for influencing his cooking style and
                                                                                   philosophy  along  with  his  grand-
        Sometimes though, he’d get a bit car-                                      mother.
        ried away.                               My first culinary
                                                   ‘blunder’   was                 Chef in Charge
        “My  grandma  would  grab  the  fire                                       His life now as the Chef de Cuisine is
        hose,  turn  it  on  and  spray  me  with   topping an Ellios              still as busy as it was when he began
        water so I wouldn’t eat it all!”                                           his chef journey 15 years ago.
                                                      pizza with
        These fond memories of Mike’s early    cinnamon as a kid!                  “Even  though  I’m  the  boss  now,  I
        years created his love for food. It did-                                   still  sometimes  work  seven  days  a
        n’t matter if it was cake or kielbasa.                                     week. I have 15-, 16- or 18-hour days
        Food  was  made  from  scratch  and                                        still. I still help in the kitchen because
        from whatever his grandma grew and    and  knocking  down  doors  at  restau-  it’s about creating the best experience
        canned  in  season.  He  eventually  ex-  rants  to  learn  the  craft  that  helped   with fresh food. I just love what I do
        perimented with cooking for himself,   Bonk’s career and reputation soar.    each day,” Bonk says.
        although  he  made  some  blunders
        along the way.                        “I  looked  for  someone  who  knew   Please bring any potential stories by
                                              more and wasn’t afraid to ask for ad-  and  about  residents  at  WAL  to  the
        “My first culinary ‘blunder’ was top-  vice. I had a group of mentors experi-  Resident  Services  office  or  email
        ping an Ellios pizza with cinnamon as   enced  in  the  industry  who  gave  me
        a kid!” Mikes says with a chuckle.    advice,” he said.

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