Page 8 - June 2019 final online
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        By Zohreh Khosknamak

         Watergate  at  Landmark’s  FIRST     and testing solutions using Lego kits
         Lego League (FLL) Junior Robotics    designed  for  robotics  building.  For
         Club, also known as the Tech Troop-  the  2018-2019  season,  FIRST  drew
         ers, has been pretty busy since 2019   615,000+  students  from  100  coun-
         began. The Tech Troopers competed    tries and 250,000+ mentor, coaches,
         against several teams in two different   judges,  and  volunteers  globally  per
         competitions  in  the  DMV,  winning , the official website
         recognitions in at least one category   for  FIRST.  So,  yes,  it  does  involve
         each time!                           using  Legos—and  motors,  sensors,
                                              coding,    and    much      more.
         What’s a FIRST Lego League?
         Does it have to do with building with   Who are the Tech Troopers?
         the plastic toy blocks that we hate to   The  Tech  Troopers  are  WAL’s  first
         love, especially when you step on a   FLL Junior Robotics Club. The team
         wayward  piece?  Well,  not  quite.   formed  in  2018  and  has  three  boys  T.C. Williams Robotics helped mentor the
         FIRST  is  an  acronym  meaning  For   and three girls. They had help though  Jr. FIRST Lego League team.
         Inspiration & Recognition of Science   from  dedicated  parents  and  their             All Photos: Zohreh Khosknamak
         &  Technology.  It  was  founded  in   mentors,  the  T.C.  William  Titans
         1989  as  a  501(c)(3)  not-for-profit   First Robotics Team.            Patent  and  Trade  Office  in  Alexan-
         public  charity  whose  purpose  is  to                                  dria.  The  team  won  an  award  for
         inspire  young  people's  interest  and   Over  the  course  of the season,  each   Movement.  They  received  praise
         participation in science and technolo-  team  member  gained  knowledge   from the judges for the great design
         gy, with the hope that they then pur-  about  the  moon,  engineering,  space   and movement of the different com-
         sue  education  and  career  opportuni-  and  problem  solving  while  learning   ponents in the moon based built.
         ties  in  STEM  fields.  The  program   to  display  gracious  professionalism,
         includes  FIRST  Lego  League  Jr.   the organization’s motto.  They also   The  second  stop  for  WAL’s  Junior
         (Grades K – 4), FIRST Lego League    learned  research,  presentation,  fact-  Robotics  Club  was  Oxon  Hill  High
         (Grades  4  –  8),  FIRST  Tech  Chal-  checking, and reporting skills as they   School in Maryland for another expo
         lenge  (Grades  7  –  12),  and  FIRST   worked  as  a  team  to  write  stories   in  March.  This  event  took  place  on
         Robotics  Competition  (Grades  9  to   about  the  moon—along  with  prob-  the  sidelines  of  the  regional  FIRST
         12).                                 lems while living there.            Robotics Competition where the T.C.
                                                                                  Williams FIRST Robotics team com-
                                                         The Tech Troopers  met   peted. Of course, the Tech Troopers
                                                         many  amazing  people    cheered  them  on.  At  noon,  all  the
                                                         during  this  journey.   FLL Junior teams in attendance went
                                                         They’ve  met  NASA       on a parade through the competition
                                                         scientists at the different   arena.  They  were  happy  to  hear  the
                                                         events they attended and   loud  cheers  from  the  T.C.  Williams
                                                         even did a videoconfer-  students and their families when the
                                                         ence  with  a  scientist   group’s name was called. I think our
                                                         working  on  food  pro-  team  got  the  loudest  cheers,  but  I
                                                         duction in  zero  gravity!   digress. Thanks Titans FIRST Robot-
                                                         Tech  Troopers  visited   ics Team and your loved ones. You
                                                         the T.C. Williams Plan-  rock.  Totally.  By  the  way,  WAL’s
                                                         etarium  and  saw  just   Tech  Troopers  won  the  Complexity
                                                         how big outer space is.    and Decoration award for their moon
        The Tech Troopers are ready for competition!
                                                                                  base,  getting  accolades  from  the
                                              Competition Recognition             judges  for their  imaginative  and  ex-
         Each season, teams are given a chal-  The Tech Trooper’s first stop was at   cellent design work.
         lenge  to  overcome  through  creating   an expo held in February at the U.S.

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