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                                   By Gary Dahl, Board President

                                Greetings  neighbors!  The Wa-  Assistance Animals
                                tergate  at  Landmark  Condo-   Some residents asked me about assistance animal and their
                                minium Unit Owners Associa-     access  on  our  complex. To answer that  question,  here  is
                                tion  holds  its  Annual  Meeting   the following information:
                                on  Monday,  March  2.    Four
                                Board  of  Directors  will  be      An assistance animal may aid or perform tasks for
                                elected  at  this  meeting,  so     the  benefit  of  a  person  with  a  disability  or  pro-
        please  make  sure  you  submit  your  proxy  that  is  either  a   vides  emotional  support  which  alleviates  one  or
        quorum vote or has up to four Board candidates selected.    more identified symptoms or effects related to the
        I’ve got some updates and a few items to share with you     person’s  disability.  Assistance  animals  are  not
        this month.                                                 required  to  be  individually  trained  or  certified,
                                                                    nor have a display stating they are assistance ani-
        Town Center Courtesies                                      mals.
        There  has  been  an  increase  in  disruptive  behavior in  the
        Town Center areas.  The unacceptable and disruptive ac-     Both the assistance animal and owner must abide
        tions  have  not  decreased  with  significance,  even  though   by any rules and regulations of the property owner
        Patrol Services continues to address the repetitive behavior   which apply to all residents. Should an exception
        on a regular basis.  The Board is actively exploring what   to the rule or policy be desired, the owner of the
        additional  measures  can  be  implemented  to  enforce  our   assistance  animal  is  encouraged  to  ask  for  ap-
        rules and policies so everyone may enjoy the common ele-    proval for a reasonable accommodation related to
        ments.  Please follow our policies:                         any pet rules you would want an exemption from
        •  No  disruptive  or  unsafe  behavior  or  activity  shall  be
            carried  on  within  these  areas.  Running,  screaming,   Project Updates
            riding of wheeled recreational equipment, ball playing/  Management has undertaken the winter painting and repair
            bouncing, and horseplay are considered unsafe within   schedule.  Hallway  activities  include  general  painting,
            these spaces and are therefore not permissible.     wallpaper seam gluing and unit door painting.
        •  Sitting, standing on the tables, placing feet on or jump-
            ing on furniture and sleeping on the sofas are not per-  We  will  continue  the  focus  on  Bldgs.  1  and  2  interiors
            mitted.                                             from  last  month.  We’ll  also  do  outside  line  striping  and
        •  Loud music is not permitted.                         curb painting sometime this month. In April, Bldgs. 3 and
                                                                4 will have their interiors done, complete line striping, pre-
        Financial Statements                                    pare  the  Outdoor  Pool  for  use  and  repair  unit  HVAC
        The  Goldklang  Group  conducted  an  audit  of  our  Fiscal   doors. Finally, in May, they’ll finish painting at the Out-
        Year 2019 financial records and found our financial situa-  door Pool as well as paint the exterior fixtures (light poles,
        tion to be excellent. As of September 30, 2019, the Associ-  railings,  exterior  doors,  HVAC  closets,  exterior  walls,
        ation had designated $3,828,893 for replacement reserves   etc.).
        according  to  the  audit.  During  the  January  2020  Budget
        Committee meeting, the Budget Committee considered the   Store and Café Update
        unappropriated  association  equity  balance  along  with  the   Progress  is  occurring  daily  with  wall  patching,  painting,
                                                                            rewiring  and  installation  of  new  electrical
                                                                            fuse boxes. The uneven tile flooring is being
          Independent  auditor  Goldklang  Group                            replaced  and  kitchen  exhaust  vent  ductwork
          CPA  found  our  2019  financial  situation                       is  being  reworked  pending  city  approval  of
                                                                            the new design.  The new vendors are obtain-
          to be “excellent.”                                                ing  contracts  for  food,  display  cases,  state
                                                                            lottery and various licenses as well as devel-
                                                                            oping  menus. The re-opening date is still to
        Reserve  Study  recommendations and  voted  to advise  the   be determined but updates will be shared as they become
        Board to transfer $289,000 of the Associations $2,912,511   available.
        audited FY2019 unappropriated equity balance to Replace-
        ment Reserves and the remainder to stay in unappropriated   See you at the Annual Meeting on Monday, March 2!
        equity in order to offset any unanticipated expenses.

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