Page 2 - Dark Blue with Illustrated Foliage Illustration eBook
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It's often difficult to pinpoint the exact purpose of a
book. I mean, if I've learned anything over the span of
my short 25 years, is that the older you grow, the simple
answers never seemed to ever measure up to reality, and
life is much more complicated than we wish it to be. So
I guess that's why I wrote For When It's Dark, to shed
light on the darkness, the darkness being everything &
anything that makes life a little more complex than we
want it to be, but I pray that I can help simultaneously
make the complexity life offers a little simpler &
understandable, with the hopes that hope isn't far off,
but next to us, ready to consume us when we take the
time to explore what's kept us from hoping in the first
place. I've structured the book to take you on a journey,
where the opening act explores neccesary pain, the
intermission leaves you a little confused, as is the case
when you first dig into the pain, and the closing scenes
are clarifying & encouragine because when we put in
the work to find our pain, our souls repayus in
dividends as hope revisits our lives again. And there's
much more I could say, but I pray above all things, you
utilize this book of poems as a tool to turn to, when
you're looking for a little glimmer of hope to help you
get to your light at the end of the tunnel.
Because I know you will make it there, we all will, with
the light in front of us for when it's dark.