Page 35 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine March 2023
P. 35

soon after.  We waited a long time in the heat for help.
     A strange man pulled up in front of us and just sat       The morning of the first day, after a sleepless night,
     there for a while, and we were nervous. Fortunately,      I went out to my truck in the dark with my heart
     we were well protected, thanks to Cheryl. A tow           pounding. Well, my truck wouldn’t start. Geez! So,
     vehicle finally showed up, changed the tire, and we       there I was wandering around in the dark looking
     arrived at the hotel around 7.  Parking at a hotel with   for someone to give me a jump. All the other angers
     a boat is nerve wracking, and my nerves were already      were busy and distracted and I felt so foolish. I don’t
     shot!!  We ate at a great crab restaurant next to the     remember who, but someone’s nice husband gave me
     hotel and sang a little karaoke which helped to calm      a jump and sent me on my way. I couldn’t turn my
     and distract me.  Another lesson I learned that week:     engine off all morning. Obviously, this did nothing
     staying in one hotel room with four boaters is like       to calm my nerves. Anyway, Jan and I got dumped in
     being on an episode of “Hoarders”. We were all on top  and off we went. Hour after hour passed; I felt sicker
     of each other.                                            and sicker in my stomach. At the end of the day, you
                                                               guessed it, neither of us had a keeper. I was devastated
     Anyway, presfishing began the next morning. I had         and very distraught. I had to get my truck jumped
     been advised by many folks - “FISH THE GRASS!!” I         again and drove straight to Walmart with my boat
     started motoring around the lake, grass, grass, grass,    in tow to get a new battery. While I was waiting, I
     and more grass! I didn’t know where to begin. So,         walked around Walmart, and finally called my brother
     I looked at my map and Lowrance, and decided to           Doug, who I knew was waiting with bated breath to
     fish a summertime pattern that I knew well and was        hear all about my day. Within seconds I was sobbing
     comfortable with - deep Carolina rigging on main          uncontrollable in the middle of the aisle- sunburned,
     lake points. There weren’t a ton of spots, but enough I   sweaty, depleted emotionally. Doug had tournament
     thought. My prefishing did not go well. I caught a few    fished for years, so he was able to help me put things
     and made a long run to the Comer bridge where I got       in perspective and calm me down a bit. I tried to hide,
     stuck in the mud. I tried to fish grass a couple of times  but yes people were staring at me.
     but each time I felt so overwhelmed that I gave up. My
     confidence was low as tourney day approached.             One of the hardest things to do in a tournament is
                                                               to remain focused, optimistic, and persistent after a
     My heart was pounding as we                               terrible first day. A part of you doesn’t even want to go
     all headed to the registration                            out on the water again, but we have an obligation to
     period. I really didn’t know very                         our co-anglers to continue trying our very hardest to
     many of the ladies back then,                             help them have an enjoyable day. For day two, I drew
     and I was very, very intimidated                          Charlotte Frazier. She is a lovely positive person and
     - all these fancy jerseys and                             is just what I needed. I told her that morning, “Char-
     wrapped boats.  I’m dressed                               lotte, I had a lousy day yesterday. I’m not sure what
     in a school t-shirt. I felt like a                        I’m going to do today, but NONE of what I did yester-
     fish out of water, pardon the                             day!”. So off we went, and guess what? I stopped in a
     pun. Anyway, I nervously sat                              big field of grass, buzzed a Zoom Horney toad across
     through the meeting and the                               it, and caught a
     draw. I drew a Texas girl, Jan Bruner. We met after       keeper! I nearly
     the meeting, and I told her we would fish some docks      cried with relief.
     and points and that I was in fact a rookie. One thing I   As the day went
     experienced in the beginning, and to a certain extent     on I started fish-
     still do, is the feeling that no co-angler would want to   ing little bridges
     draw ME. I’ve never been a super confident person,        with current and
     but I figured, hey, at least I’d be nice. I also promised   caught another
     myself at the time to try to never forget a co-angler. I   one on a big jig, I
     know they too are fighting through their fears.           think four or five
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