Page 28 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Stelly Special Ed 2022
P. 28

More Tributes to Jennifer Stelly

     The thing that always sticks out
     with me is their smiles. I don’t

     ever recall a time when either Jen
     or Frank didn’t offer up a friendly

     smile. Early in the morning in a
     dark parking lot waiting to get in

     the water, standing in line waiting
     for weigh-in, on stage, at an eve-

     ning meal, winning or not.....there
     was always a smile and it always

     made me smile.

     Don Day

                                                               Sure gonna miss Jen and my lit-

                                                               tle buddy Frank. Two awesome

                                                               LA peoples. Jennifer been fish-

                                                               ing as long as I have I think all

                                                               the way back to national Bassin

                                                               Gals. She’s a very good angler

                                                               that just really loves to fish.

                                                               Very laid back and just seems to

                                                               enjoy the moment. Always got

                                                               that beautiful smile.

                                                               Secret York

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