Page 20 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine May 2023 Revised
P. 20

Half the Battle in Finding Fish

     As spring approaches, bass move into a transitional
     period where they begin to set up near those shal-
     low water areas close to deeper water. This is key in
     locating fish before and after the spawn. Bass have
     followed these same highways since the body of wa-
     ter has been in existence.

     Have you ever wondered why some areas of a body
     of water hold more fish than others year after year?
     What makes one boat dock or pier better than an-
     other? What makes one point or hump better than
     another? What makes a small section of a tree line or
     grass line better than another? Each of these has one     mined, and the right techniques applied, then you
     key factor is common with all of these. There is deep     will have a productive day of fishing. Also, this can be
     water close by.                                           applied to various places around the body of water
                                                               you are fishing. Ultimately, if you are not fishing the
                                                               correct depth, you are spending more time casting
                                                               than catching. Fish in a give area will hold in the pre-
                                                               ferred depth for the conditions.

                                                               There are no easy ways to find the depth of the day.
                                                               One option is the trial-and-error approach. Try dif-
                                                               ferent depths until you catch a few fish and then con-
                                                               centrate on that depth in that area. With success, you

     Remember, deep water is relative to the body of           can then fish other areas of the lake at that depth.
     water you are fishing and can even be relative to the     Probably the most reliable method is to rely on your
     immediate area. Even when bass are up shallow, a          electronics. Not only will your depth finder show you
     3’to 5’ area is deeper than a one-foot area. Even fish    fish, but it will also show you the depth fish are using
     that tend to live in deeper waters share this tenden-     and the cover they are relating to at that moment.
     cy. They will use shallower areas like humps to feed      There are variables to where the fish will be located
     and move off to adjacent deeper waters nearby when        at any given point in time. This can change through-
     not feeding. Getting back to the point, regardless of     out the day. Knowing these things can help you
     whether you are talking about structure or cover, the     adjust. It is important to remember that even the
     areas that are the most productive more times than        best angler will not be successful if they are fishing at
     not are those areas with deep water in proximity to       the wrong depth. Any angler can be more successful
     the bass. Even during the spawn, when fish deviate        if they are fishing the right location, with the right
     from this to a degree, you can almost bet that deep       presentation and the right depth. The depth that fish
     water is not that far away. Why? Well, that is simple.    select at any given time is dictated by many differ-
     Bass instinctively position themselves with an escape     ent factors. These factors include food supply, oxy-
     route into deeper water.                                  gen content, time of day, water temperature and of
                                                               course, the time of year.
     You have located that key piece of structure or cover
     that always holds bass. Next, it is important to figure
     out the mood of those fish. Are they holding shallow,
     deep, suspended, tight to cover or out a bit? Unless
     you figure out the depth at which fish are holding,
     you can fish that key piece of cover or structure with
     little or no success. Once this depth has been deter-

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