Page 26 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine May 2023 Revised
P. 26

The Split Shot or Light

                                    Carolina Rig

     This rig can be fished shallow or
     deep and consists of a soft plastic,  This setup more closely resembles
     a split shot, and a smaller, light-                       slow crankbait fishing than it does
     er wire hook. The lead pinch weight                       soft plastic fishing. Much of the
     can be along the line anywhere from                       action comes from the soft plastic
     8”-24” above the lure. You can also                       itself. So, if you need more action
     replace the split shot with a small                       try a different soft plastic. Addi-
     bullet weight, bead, and swivel.                          tionally, this technique is good for
     Regardless of which, the bait gives                       targeting bass that are shy or not
     the impression of something being                         aggressive as the bait swims just off
     helpless. It is also a great way to                       the bottom of the lake floor or atop

     cover lots of water. Oftentimes the                       the grass mat.
     bit is so subtle that all you see is
     your line swimming away.                                  The perception some anglers have of
                                                               the split shot rig includes, it’s
     While we listed the leader as any-                        too slow, it’s difficult to feel, it’s
     where from 8” to 24”, the length of                       too hard to cast, or it only catches
     the leader can sometimes interfere                        small fish. The point missed is that
     with casting because it is just too                       this technique can be highly produc-

     long. A leader that is too short                          tive in locating concentrations of
     inhibits the bait movement. It is                         stubborn bass and especially strag-
     something you must play with based                        glers. It is equally important to
     upon the conditions and how the fish                      understand that an angler fishing a
     respond. Most commonly an 18’ leader  split shot is not fishing for the
     is a good happy medium. Another con-                      same fish as everyone else around.
     sideration is to use a spinning rod                       It can be lethal when fishing behind
     setup because of the light nature of  someone else or when fishing high-
     this technique. You can get a longer  ly pressured bodies of water. It can
     case with more accuracy.                                  also be a great choice when there is

    26  Lady Bass Anglers Association
                                                    The Split Shot or Light Carolina Rig
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