Page 6 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine May 2023 Revised
P. 6

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

                                                 by Pam Horne

     So, you’re all ready to leave for your out of state tourna-  seems to be the best option.
     ment and have high expectations and in very high spirits.
     You have hours of travel time and all the time in the world   Day #1 – you’re riding to the ramp in a borrowed boat and
     to imagine all the giant bass you’re going to be weighing   luckily you have your co-angler in the vehicle with you as
     in.   Practice and getting familiar with the lake become   well as one more co-angler and you have a blow out with
     the new focus and you’re ready for day #1 of the tourna-  no spare.  One or two phone calls and you have someone
     ment……UNTIL, while wiping down the boat you notice        on the way with a spare, arrange for a ride for your 2nd
     oil down inside the jackplate, front of the motor and all the  co-angler so they can actually make the take-off.  Tire is
     hoses.  Your heart sinks, you feel sick to your stomach and
     you feel all the air draining from your whole body.  IF you
     are lucky enough, you’ll have people to reach out to that
     can give you some kind of idea what could be going on but
     having even the slightest bit of knowledge of any motor,
     you know immediately that an oil leak is a no bueno and
     definitely something to not take chances with.  Couple of
     phone calls gives you a little hope that it’s nothing major
     but still something that will knock you out of commis-
     sion for the tournament and you’re scheduled to be at the
     local marine early the next morning, thanks to another
     competitor’s contact.  If you don’t have at least 5-10 people
     that you can reach out to with just about everything, you   changed and you’re back on your way, little later but have
     should.  These contacts can be lifesavers and the difference   the chance to fish the majority of the day.  Late enough
     in fishing or packing up and going home.                  getting in the water that your skeptical of going with your
                                                               original plan so you opt for plan B and it actually starts off
                                                 Visit to the   promising.  Your co-angler is doing well and has a limit
                                                 local ma-     with several culls and although it takes all day, you do find
                                                 rine shop     a limit of fish even though your electronics never worked
                                                 does not      on the bow of the boat.  Back to the house and regroup for
                                                 give you any   day #2 and still feeling confident but still leery of going
                                                 hope for the   with your original plan before everything fell apart.  What
                                                 tournament    can you do??  I used to have a horrible temper and would
                                                 and in your   throw or hit anything nearby or scream and cuss, but I
                                                 mind, you’re  guess the older I get the less energy I exert, the better…
                                                 already       lol.  It doesn’t do any good whatsoever to get mad or upset,
                                                 packing up    doesn’t make it any better and definitely makes you less
                                                 and decid-    cognitive out on the water.
                                                 ing when to
                                                 leave to head
                                                 back home.    Day #2 – you get a little skidish when you pass by the
     Finally you get a little break when you find out you’ve had   blowout area on your way to the ramp and probably hold
     a couple of influential people going ahead of you helping   your breath too but you make it to the ramp and all is well.
     in tremendous ways and you’re offered options that could   Still have that gut feeling that you shouldn’t take chances
     keep you on the water.  Pre-tournament meeting and you    with your original plan so you opt for the plan that worked
     receive another blessing and now you have a third option   yesterday and your co-angler hooks up with a good one
     so which one do you choose??  I opted for the third option   early but loses it at the boat but your optimistic that it
     and I’m in a boat and lots of preparation but definitely   could be a salvageable day and you get a good one not long

      6  Lady Bass Anglers Association         What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
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